The Mould Show
This podcast will help you take control of your indoor air quality at home or at the office. Learn how to reduce your exposure to mould toxins especially after water damage as well as minimise harm caused by other environmental pollutants. Your host, Dr Cameron Jones, PhD is a recognised authority on mould in the built environment and a widely published academic and public health advocate. The Mould Show brings you practical information, expert interviews and research breakthroughs you can use each week.
88 episodes
Fungal mycotoxins & ME/CFS could this be why you're tired?
Science is all about observation and forming hypotheses to answer questions. For scientists like myself, I’m interested in how the environment affects health, and specifically, how water-damaged buildings and exposure to poor indoor air quality...
Episode 103

Multiple Sclerosis and fungi – is there a link?
This week on The Mould Show we're going to be looking at the gut microbiome and in particular some emerging research that is showing that the diversity of microorganisms found in the gut may be linked to different immune responses and may even ...
Episode 102

Can toxic indoor mould cause immunosuppression?
Imagine that at your workplace - you move to new offices and these offices are sited partially below ground level. Within three months of moving into the new offices, every person who works there has started to suffer from symptoms that consist...
Episode 101

Hot vs Cold Water Washing & Fungi – Which is Better?
If you're dealing with water damage building interiors, or just wondering what is the best way to clean textiles and clothing that might have become mould contaminated - you might be thinking, why can't I just put them all into the washing mach...
Episode 100

DIY Mould Remediation of Paper Documents
In Australia, we're currently suffering from torrential rain all along the east coast, affecting Queensland and New South Wales and potentially moving towards Victoria. Regardless of where you're living, unexpected water damage and mould may be...
Season 99
Episode 99

One Family's Experience With Building Related Illness
Many people ask me the question: can you really get sick from spending time inside a water-damaged property? Or another related question: Does mould really make people sick? Sometimes I even get questions along the lines of: I can understand wh...
Season 98
Episode 98

Does mould harm children's health?
I'm often asked whether mould affects children's health? I thought this would be an appropriate topic to kick off the new year for The Mould Show in 2022. In approaching this topic, I'm going to review some of the key symptoms associated with e...
Season 97
Episode 97

Which Mould Spores are Protective Against COVID-19?
When you think about the over 5M fungal species that exist on the planet and juxtapose this against the approximate 2000 mushrooms species we might eat as food - there really are a lot of chance and probable possibilities for us to come into co...
Season 96
Episode 96

Censorship of Mould Illness in Finland
This week on The Mould Show, I'm going to be talking about censorship of mould illness. And to do this, we’ll be reviewing a paper that came out earlier this year that focused on the situation in Finland. Essentially, this is a battle between f...
Season 95
Episode 95

Salt Therapy and Mould Illness
In this presentation, I want to review something called salt therapy, which is considered a complementary method for the treatment of respiratory tract illnesses. This will have a special focus on mould related disease. Clinical practice ...
Season 94
Episode 94

Black Fungus Risks and COVID-19
Black fungus disease can have a devastating impact for people who contract COVID 19 and even for those who are recovering from COVID-19 and who are more properly classed as COVID long haulers. My purpose in presenting this li...
Season 93
Episode 93

Clinical Mould Antigen Extracts and Moulds From Water-Damaged Homes
Common health concerns from mould include: asthma, allergic rhinitis, wheeze, cough, shortness of breath, or hypersensitivity pneumonitis, headache, eye and skin problems and other health issues. It is reasonably well known, at least by t...
Episode 92

5 Things To Know About Toenail Fungus And COVID-19
Summer is approaching, at least for us here in Australia and for some of us, looking down at our toes might bring on a "yuck" reaction. Why are those nails cracked, fragile or showing discoloration? Are you embarrassed by this? What's causing i...
Episode 91

How Mould Spores Control Influenza-Like Illness
Have you ever wondered whether there's a connection between the seasons and flu like epidemics? Well, this week on The Mould Show, we're going to be looking at two recent pieces of evidence, which focus on the fact that current models for flu-l...
Episode 90

What Is Dampness and Mould Hypersensitivity Syndrome, Anyway?
If you've ever found yourself having trouble explaining to someone why you just don't feel right inside that room or building, then you'll want to watch this. Ok, you might just sneeze a little over springtime when exposed to pollen...but...
Episode 89

Avoid the top 8 asthma and allergy triggers in your home
Asthma is a common respiratory condition causing an attack or spasm of the bronchioles or airways that carry air to the lungs. Asthma makes it difficult to breathe and in Australia affects one in nine people equivalent to 2.7 million Australian...
Episode 88

Victoria's Freedom Day - What Will Happen?
On the 22nd October 2021, Victoria, Australia begins our own Freedom Day. But is this really freedom? State-wide vaccine mandates are in force and there's a need for vaccine passports to enter retail. For many, significant r...
Episode 87

What You Should Know About Portable Air Filters
This Week in Victoria and New South Wales and many other parts of Australia we're reopening and a lot of the lockdown restrictions are being lifted. So what does that mean? Well, many of our children will be returning to school - so this week I...
Episode 86

What Can Danish Nurses Tell Us About Heart Health & Air Pollution?
According to the World Health Organization, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death globally. In 2019, it was estimated that 17.9 million people died from cardiovascular disease. This represents 32% of all global deaths with ...
Episode 85

The Relationship Between Indoor Air Quality And Happiness
Studies have shown that people are healthier, more comfortable and more productive in structures with good indoor air quality (IAQ). Be that as it may, I've had a first-hand experience as an indoor air quality and mould inspection expert not on...
Season 3
Episode 79